Multigrain Bread

Some recipes of wheat bread leave you with a tough and dense brick. After many tries, I’ve found the perfect combination of bread and wheat flour, sugar and yeast to ensure a hearty yet light bread. The addition of the other grains and nuts adds wonderful flavor and texture. We use King Arthur brand and Simple Truth (Kroger brand) organic flours.

8 1/2 oz (1 3/4 cups) whole wheat flour
10 oz (2 cups) bread flour
2 TBSP coconut flour
1 TBSP cornmeal
1 TBSP wheat germ
1 TBSP rolled oats
1 TBSP flaxseed
1 TBSP quinoa
2 TBSP raw sunflower seeds
2 tsp salt
2 TBSP brown sugar
13 1/2 fl oz (1 11/16 cup) water
2 1/2 TBSP olive oil
2 tsp active yeast
*Use all organic ingredients when possible

Combine all dry ingredients in bread machine. Mix wet ingredients together. Pour over dry mixture. In our machine you add the yeast to a slot in the top. Set bread machine for multigrain. Ours takes about 5 hours. This recipe has been adapted from the Panasonic SD-YD250 Bread Maker recipe booklet. All bread machines are different so amounts/times could vary.